What kind of fantasy are you interested in?
Modern-day stories of humans fighting alien monsters with the help of an oracular bookstore? Try THE LAST ORACLE
A romantic fantasy saga of the ruling family of a kingdom? Read THE CROWN OF TREMONTANE
Historical fantasy of super-powered women fighting the Napoleonic Wars? Take a look at THE EXTRAORDINARIES
The adventures of a paladin and her werewolf companion in a world inspired by Renaissance Italy? You’ll find them in THE BOOKS OF THE DARK GODDESS
Or scroll down for links to every one of my books!
I just finished reading Servant of the Crown. I bought it yesterday and read it all through the night. I LOVED it!! I wish we could know more about Zara North but i fully understand why it happened the way it did. (Don’t want to give anything away to future readers) I am so looking forward to the next book!!
I am so glad you liked it! Did you know one of the main characters of my book The Smoke-Scented Girl is named Kerensa? So I love your name.
There will be more of Zara North in the third and fourth books in the series, and I will probably write a novella about her–she’s a very popular character. The next book should be out in October and I will be having a cover reveal very soon. I hope you like it too!
We’ll get to see their children…but some sad things happen, and that’s all I can say.
I finished both of your books in one day each! I could not put them down, i cant wait for the third one you are an excellent writer!
Thank you!
I just finished Agent of the Crown, and all I can say is Wow. I’ve fallen in love with all of these characters, and it has truly been a pleasure to watch them grow over the course of the series. The end of Agent of the Crown had me crying the whole time, as did the bonus. I love seeing how each of the characters end up with the loves of their lives, even with odds stacked against them. Thank you for creating this world that I love getting lost in! I can’t wait to see where you take the story next and anxiously await to return to Tremontane.
Thank you! I’m so glad to hear that! I hope you’ll love the next books in the series as well.
I’ve struggled the last year to find a book series I could really get in to. I just finished Agent of the Crown, and I’m dying to know what the next one will be like! I love how you always have most interesting characters, and the eventual get together of the love interests always leaves me feeling so fulfilled! Please continue this series, I’m in love with the North family!
Thank you! I am so glad my series is the one you got into–that really makes my day. I’m very excited for the next one, which is a prequel about Willow North, the first North Queen, and I hope you like it too!
Will you say how King Anthony Died in a future book or is it one of those situations that occurred and how it happened is not so much important as just that it did and moved the story along. Just a curious reader here.. These were wonderful and i look forward to more like these in the series.
Anthony’s death is alluded to at the end of Agent of the Crown–Alison just says she woke up one morning and he’d died sometime that night. He died of an aneurysm–totally unexpected. I’m so glad you like the books!
Love the Willow North Saga and just about to download and read the next series. Could you confirm for me that the Servant of the Crown is the next book in line from the Champion of the Crown? Thanks
Yes, Servant of the Crown is next. I’m glad you loved Willow’s books!
Just read all three Extraordinaries Books. They were wonderful! Are you writing anymore?
I’m right now in the middle of writing the fourth Extraordinaries book. I hope to publish it early next year. I hope you’ll love it, too!
Hello! Just finished a trilogy and wonder if there is more coming about Malcolm Campbell?
There absolutely is more coming! THE BOOK OF HAVOC, book 6 in The Last Oracle series, will be out in January, and the rest of the series (it’s 9 in total) will be released throughout the year, so the series should be finished in December 2020. Thanks for reading!
Yay! Can’t wait, thanks!
I laughed for 5 minutes at the name of the restaurant. Sounded so elegant. “the frog” LOL
I’m glad it amused you! We have a local French restaurant called “La Caille” which is slightly more elegant (the quail) but I sort of got a kick out of the semi-pretentiousness of La Grenouille. And, of course, frog’s legs are high class, so…
I’m impatiently awaiting more in The Last Oracle series (I’m so excited you said #6 will be out this month!), in the meantime I’ve read through all five Company of Strangers books. In #5 there’s a sneak peak for #6 Call of Wizardy, when do you expect it’s release? I am uber excited I stumbled upon your books, I’ve been enthralled with all 10 that I’ve read and have The View From Castle Always and Warts and All on my list. I may need to read them while I wait for #6 in each of the aforementioned series. ?
Wow, that’s wonderful! Call of Wizardry is supposed to be out in February, but if the cover for Book of Havoc isn’t ready in time, it will be released in January. I am so glad you’re loving my books! If you’re interested, you can subscribe to my newsletter and get more specific release dates.
I recently read an excerpt from “Pretender to the Crown” in a different publication(Swift the Chase). I am really excited to have found the whole “Willow North Saga” and loving the read so far!
I am a little confused… so many “crown” books listed on your web site, but “Champion of the Crown” isn’t listed. As a new reader, I would like to start at the beginning. Is the “Willow North Saga” a precursor to “The Crown of Tremontane” series? Amazon.com is it very helpful when it comes to trying to figure these things out. I’m thankful that you have your old website!
Is there a way that I can correct the last two sentences of my previous comment?
No worries, I knew what you meant.
It looks like I can edit it, but I don’t see how you can. That’s weird.
I am so glad you said something! My husband is responsible for updating the Books page, and he must have missed Champion of the Crown. I’ll get right on fixing that.
The Willow North Saga is the first series. Because I wrote it later, you can read it either as a prequel or at the beginning. If you go to the Books drop-down menu at the top of the site, and click on The Crown of Tremontane, it gives the full reading order there–but I think I should put that on the Willow North page as well. Anyway, for your convenience, the series chronology is:
Pretender to the Crown
Guardian of the Crown
Champion of the Crown
Servant of the Crown
Exile of the Crown (a novella in four parts, two of which are after Servant and two after Rider of the Crown)
Rider of the Crown
Agent of the Crown
Voyager of the Crown
In addition, this year I’m publishing the first two books of an interim trilogy, The Heirs of Willow North, but those can be read at any point because they have nothing to do with the later books.
I’m glad you found my books through Swift the Chase! It’s good to know that book is out there. Please let me know if you have any more questions, and I’ll see if I can make the website clearer.
Thank you! That clears everything up! I am looking forward to a A lot of reading this winter!
What books compose the last oracle series
All the books in The Last Oracle have “book” in the title, but in order, it’s:
The Book of Secrets
The Book of Peril
The Book of Mayhem
The Book of Lies
The Book of Betrayal
The Book of Havoc
The Book of Harmony
The Book of War
The Book of Destiny
Thanks for asking!
I just wanted to say thank you so much for writing such dynamic , strong, and actually likable female protagonists. I have devoured all of your books and I wait in anticipation for any and everything new that comes from you. Thank you for your wonderful imagination and artistry.
Thank you so much! This really made my day. I hope I continue to write books you love!